Affordable Web Hosting For Small Business
# FastHosting: Powerful like VPS! Managed like shared hosting.

Easier, Faster & More Powerful

Buiness Hosting Grows Your Business
It Grows Your Business

If you are hosting photos, videos or downloads then Web Hosting Plus is the best choice. Unlike shared hosting, you don't have to share resources like RAM and CPU, so you get all the power of that resource for your website.

Web Hosting Plus is great for E-commerce, high traffic or data-intensive sites and applications. In addition, you can also use it to host any website that you desire the great features it brings to your website.

What is Web Hosting Plus? Web Hosting Plus is Linux Hosting (with cPanel), but with the power and resources of a private server without the need for a server administrator. Otherwise it's the same cPanel experience as shared hosting.

With Web Hosting Plus, your pages load faster than shared hosting, so more visitors convert to customers. It grows your business!

You have guaranteed resources, your website is never affected by other websites on your server, (Unlike shared hosting).

You have more time to focus on your business with Web Hosting Plus, you don't need server administration skills to manage it. It's as easy to use as shared hosting.

Need help? Contact us. Call (480) 624-2500.

We understand that everything doesn’t always go to plan.
That’s why we pride ourselves on top-notch quality of support, any time of the day.

Web Hosting Plus - Best Value Plans
Looking for cheaper hosting? Here you are.

  • Multiple basic sites
  • 100 GB storage*
  • 4 GB RAM
  • 2 CPU
  • Unmetered traffic
  • 50 websites & databases
  • Free, unlimited SSL for all your websites**

$29.99/mo when you renew

  • High-traffic sites
  • 200 GB storage*
  • 8 GB RAM
  • 4 CPU
  • Unmetered traffic
  • 100 websites & databases
  • Free, unlimited SSL for all your websites**

$49.99/mo when you renew

  • eCommerce
  • 300 GB storage*
  • 16 GB RAM
  • 8 CPU
  • Unmetered traffic
  • 150 websites & databases
  • Free, unlimited SSL for all your websites**

$69.99/mo when you renew

  • Resource-heavy sites
  • 400 GB storage*
  • 32 GB RAM
  • 16 CPU
  • Unmetered traffic
  • 200 websites & databases
  • Free, unlimited SSL for all your websites**

$99.99/mo when you renew

  • Launch: For multiple basic sites. If you are using shared hosting and want the great features of Web Hosting Plus then this is a very good choice for you.
  • Enhance: For high-traffic WordPress, Joomla and other sites. Web Hosting Plus ensures your website is always up and running.
  • Grow: For advanced ecommerce sites like Magento. Your pages load faster so more visitors convert into customers.
  • Expand: For photography or resource-heavy sites. You’ll feel right at home with Web Hosting Plus.
  • * The total amount of usable storage capacity for your particular Hosting Service(s) may differ from the represented capacity as there is required space for the operating system(s), system file(s) and other supporting file(s).
  • ** SSL certificate (AutoSSL) is included for free as part of your Web Hosting Plus product. It automatically assigns and renews an SSL Certificate to your site and every site in your cPanel account will be automatically assigned an SSL Certificate. If you cancel the Web Hosting Plus product, you will lose the associated SSL certificate as well. What if I already have an SSL certificate installed? AutoSSL won't override any existing installed SSL certificates. See more about AutoSSL?

More Info

Web Hosting Plus - Best Web Hosting for Small Business

  • With Web Hosting Plus, your pages load faster than with shared hosting, so more visitors convert into customers.
  • What stands out the most is that unlike shared hosting, you don't have to share resources like CPU or RAM, so you get all the power to yourself.
  • Another strong point of Web Hosting Plus is that the level of technical skills is not very demanding, just as basic as using cPanel's shared hosting.

Even if you are using shared hosting for your website, Web Hosting Plus is still a good choice if you want to make sure your website is always up and running fast. Web Hosting Plus has the resources and support to make sure your website is always up and running.

Easily switch from shared hosting to Web Hosting Plus.

  • If you already use LuckyRegister's web hosting, you can upgrade to Web Hosting Plus with a single click. Your files would be automatically migrated and you don’t need to uninstall and reinstall any files. If you have DNS set up with LuckyRegister, you won't need to update your DNS manually.
  • If you're upgrading to Web Hosting Plus, your server IP address may change. After the upgrade is done, we'll email you with that new server IP address. If you're using domains in other LuckyRegister accounts or with other web providers, you will need to update the A Host records accordingly.

Difference between shared hosting, VPS and Web Hosting Plus.

  • Shared hosting is an inexpensive way to get your sites up on the web.
  • A Virtual Private Server (VPS) is more powerful, but costs more than shared hosting, and requires experience with server administration.
  • Web Hosting Plus is a balance between the two, offering the power of a VPS with the ease of shared hosting.
You can use this chart to see the major differences between each type of Linux hosting:

Shared Hosting Web Hosting Plus VPS Hosting
Level of technical skills Basic Basic Advanced - knowledge of WHM and Linux command line needed
Suited for Basic websites, low resource applications E-commerce, high traffic or data-intensive sites and applications Resource intensive web apps, full control of the server, ability to customize
Site Visitors Low to moderate High High
Platform LAMP (Linux, Apache, MySQL, PHP) LAMP LAMP (Can install and use others such as NGINX, Node.js, Ruby on Rails)
Control Panel cPanel cPanel cPanel and WHM
Support 24/7 Standard Support 24/7 Standard Support Self-Managed, Managed, or Fully-Managed
Root Access No No Yes
Dedicated IP Address No 1 3 or more
Snapshot Backups No No yes